Are you in Grade 8-12?Β Would you like to become a basketball referee? Receive training and experience with us!
Spring 2020 Referee Training Level One Format:
- attend one in-class training session
- attendΒ one on-court training sessions
- achieve at least 80% on both the paper exam and the on-court evaluation
- be evaluated and approved for independent officiating by the Referee Coordinator
All of the above requirements must be completed priorΒ toΒ receivingΒ payment for officiating HouseΒ League games.
Referees will advance levels (1 to 3) based on performance and at theΒ discretion of the Referee Coordinator.
"Level 1" Referee: $15/game
"Level 2" RefereeΒ (minimum one full season of experience required):Β $16/game
"Level 3" RefereeΒ (minimum two full seasons of experience required):Β $17/game
Cost of training: FREE
*Referees will need to pay for their striped referee shirt. We will provide a free whistle!
**NOTE: THIS ISΒ NOT an ABOA course. This course was created by Northern Trailblazers Basketball for the sole purpose ofΒ officiatingΒ House League games.**